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Masterplanning and design services were provided for this noteworthy eight-story mixed-use building in Denver’s Uptown Neighborhood. The building was designed to provide for ground floor retail, four levels of
structured parking and four floors of medical offices with dramatic views to Downtown Denver and the Front Range beyond. At the lower levels, the base architecture embraces the historic fabric of the neighborhood and at the office floors it breaks away to a contemporary expression of steel and glass appropriate to state-of-the-art medical care.


Denver, Colorado


15,000 sqft Retail Space
85,000 sqft Office Space
4 Levels of Structured Parking Spaces


Fleisher, Smyth, & Brokaw

1400 Glenarm Place, Suite 300   Denver, Colorado 80202  | T: 303.297.3334  |  F:303.292.2601  |  Employee Portal | Contact Us

© 2019 An Award-Winning Denver Architecture Firm